While your footwear can help you tap into your energy, learning about the colors of your aura beyond just the colors of the rainbow you learned in school, can also prove useful. The colors of your aura each have a specific shade and meaning assigned to them. “The colors of the aura can have very complex meanings because they are all different depending upon the location of the color for each individual,” says Leiding. “For example, when you get Red on your masculine side (right side of the body, picture left), it shows that you’re hard working and action oriented. If the Red appears on your feminine side (left side of the body, picture right), it could represent passion and a deep focused love.”
Aura colors and what they represent:
• Red (courage, passion, desire)
• Pink (love, sincerity, friendship)
• Magenta (individualist, free-spirited, stimulation)
• Orange (creativity, warmth, inspiring)
• Yellow (joyful, bright, cheerful)
• Green (patience, firmness, perseverance)
• Blue (devotion, trusting, empathetic)
• Turquoise (communicative, multi-tasker, truthful)
• Violet (magical, original, playful)
• White (spiritual, pure, honest)
You can also impact how your aura colors come through by staying grounded and aware. “You can keep your aura in a naturally positive space by bringing awareness to your thoughts, emotions and ideas. Becoming more aware of your energy means that you can determine when a particular path is right for you.”


We all have a kinetic power in each of us with the way our body moves. “Consciously caring for your aura is vital to your emotional and physical body. The more that you cleanse foreign energy from your space, the easier it is for you to be your true authentic self. This can help you in seeing which will help you make decisions easier, hear your body and mind clearly, and get you closer to your own information.”
Some ways understanding your aura can help you:
• Understand your energy field
• Identify any disturbances, leaks, holes or energy that’s not yours
• Learn to understand your mental make-up
• Assess your emotions and thoughts
• Gain deeper insight into your personality and inner self
• Know how strong you are by the vibrancy of your auric field
• Gauge your influence over others by the width of your aura field
• Reveal the inner secrets which may also be hidden to you
Leiding says the more tapped into our aura we are, the more information you can bring into your body to process and move forward. “A healthy aura can act as a protective field for your personal space. When the aura is charged up and bright with vital energy, personal troubles tend to “slide” right off of it, leaving more room for you to create what you truly desire.” As we shift our energy and keep our auras charged, we can live our healthiest and most authentic lives. Stay energized and stay focused on what makes you feel good and the rest will follow. Need some inspiration? Create new energy with new kicks.